Friday 5 June 2015

Review Series #2

Mini review #2
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I have a hard time disliking anything that Jim Carry is a part of.
He's an incredible actor and in this movie he really breaks away from his conventional self and I feel really does an really good job at doing so. Rather than being funny and kooky he's very serious and thoughtful. He's confused and really trying to scramble through his thoughts as he's been wiped clean of memories. This is a really cool character to see him play. I enjoyed the entire movie, it's relatable even though we aren't being cleaned out as we watch the movie. We all have a difficult time letting go and this is where we relate with Jim’s character. We as humans are scared of change and we sometimes strive to hold on to things that hurt us emotionally. This can be hard to go through and this movie puts an awesome twist on this idea. I rate it 10/10 and would recommend to anyone.

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